The illustrious Two Hearted Ale comes from Bell’s Brewing in Kalamazoo, MI. Technically, the beer is produced in Galesburg, MI, but as the website observes, that site is not open to the public. Instead, visit the Eccentric Café and General Store, which is located in Kalamazoo, MI.
This beer give me beer envy. It gives Elli beer envy as well. While she is less willing to publicly admit it, that’s because she’s in beer envy denial. Sorry, but I’ve outed you. Anyway, I’ve cracked myself another Two Hearted to enjoy on this little trip down memory lane...
Two Hearted Ale is a bright copper color that is clear with a light haze. The nose is deliciously hoppy, with grapefruit and floral aromas, and the mouthfeel is both well rounded and nicely balanced with bright clean carbonation. The head is very white, and it streaks well down the side of the glass. Two Heart starts with a soft sweet malt front, and then quickly climbs into floral hops and bitterness in the main body of the beer, closing with a bitter finish that is accentuated by the crispness of the carbonation. It closes clean, although there are some spicy bitter notes that linger pleasantly in the mouth. There is not much in the way of toasted or roasted malt flavors in the body, but still a deliciously well balanced beer between malt and hops, leaning more towards the hop side of things. The bitterness in the middle and end increases slightly as the beer warms. If it weren’t for the 7% ABV, we’d drink this as a session beer. Hell, we might anyway—it’s that good.
From the Bell’s website: “India Pale Ale style well suited for Hemingway-esque trips to the Upper Peninsula. American malts and enormous hop additions give this beer a crisp finish and incredible floral hop aroma.”
OG: 1.064
ABV: 7.0%
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