Our third beer from Boulder Beer Company, although this one does gets pretty regular usage around the ol’ homestead—such a tasty, tasty and easy drinkin’ beer. Our previous beers from Boulder are Obovoid and Flashback.
Hazed & Infused has a bready, floral nose; the nose does get more biscuity as it warms. It pours a hazy (well, one would hope with a name like this) deep copper with a rich creamy tan head that laces the glass. The front has a dry biscuit malt sweetness, moving into some bitterness with crystal and caramel notes and some light hop flavors, and ending clean and smooth with some lingering bitterness. The body is medium, and is lightened by the carbonation. There is some light drying on the tongue from some of the bitterness, as well as some slight creaminess. Hazed & Infused is well balanced between the malt and hops; the malt develops across the palate, while the hops give a good turn and bite to the beer. Definitely an excellent session beer for all night drinking; it is easy drinking, and very quaffable, and goes does well. We both love this beer, so I guess there isn’t really much more to say.
From the Boulder Beer website: “Hazed & Infused is ‘hazed’ in its natural unfiltered state, and ‘infused’—dry-hopped with Crystal and Centennial hops—during fermentation for a big, bold, unique taste. Originally a one-keg brew for our pub, its popularity has soared and is now available in over 20 states.”
ABV: 4.85%
OG: 12.5° P
Malts: U.S. Medium Caramel, U.S. 2-Row, U.S. Roasted
Hops: Nugget, Willamette, Crystal, Centennial
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