Lakefront Brewery is located in Milwaukee, WI; as their website informs us, we all should “Taste Milwaukee’s Heritage.” Can’t we just stick with the beer? After all, Milwaukee’s heritage certainly contains numerous distasteful things, most notably Bud Selig, who I am certain would taste like the dankest, nastiest filth this side of hell. That’s right, clown boy, I remember the Pilots. Here’s to a sharp stick in your eye. But my vitriol is not the point here; rather it is the beer.
Pouring a clear, burnished copper, Lakefront IPA has a spicy, piney, and slightly citrus hop nose with just a light touch of malt sweetness in the background. The head is a creamy ivory white that both hangs around and laces the glass nicely. Beginning with dry toasted malt flavor coupled with light caramel sweetness, Lakefront IPA moves into a spicy hop middle with grassy and piney flavors dominating and hop bitterness coming in behind the initial hop flavor. The finish is dry, although some caramel sweetness emerges, and there is some lingering bitterness that contains low levels of hop spiciness. Medium bodied with a dry mouthfeel and medium carbonation that bites in the final third to help dry out the beer; the hoppiness leaves a slight tang on the sides and back of the tongue. A well-crafted and easy drinking IPA—Lakefront IPA is crisp, quenching, and well-balanced. We look forward to trying more of their beers.
From the Lakefront website: “Pours a hazy orange with a rocky white head that lasts, and leaves soft lace on your glass as you sip this refreshing beer. American Cascade and Chinook hops dominate the aroma, yielding a citrusy, floral bouquet. The hops give a nice bitter bite to the flavor, but this beer is surprisingly well balanced with a full body and smooth malty flavor to back up the hops. It finishes smooth and crisp with a lingering hop flavor reminiscent of fresh ruby red grapefruit.”
ABV: 6.9%
Brewed: 3rd week of April
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