Wednesday, August 4, 2010

400. Fort Collins Rocky Mountain IPA

A note up front: after 400 different beers in 400 days (actually, probably something more like 500 different beers in 400 days), we’re calling a moratorium on new beer. We’ll keep drinking, oh yes, but not at such a hectic pace of a new beer every god damn day. Remember, beer is not a competition. I know that many of you are thinking, “Hey, wait a minute...,” but I’m gonna have to stop you right there. Let me repeat: beer is not a competition. Sure, you can make it into one, but that doesn’t make it right. In fact, that would actually detract from beer. It is, in the words of my late, great mother, a re-spon-si-bil-lit-ty. I know that isn’t the correct syllabic breakdown, but that’s how my mother pronounced it when she was drilling the concept into my head as a child. Now, you can pretend that I’m somehow scarred by the experience and ignore my advice, or you can accept the fact that beer is not a competition. Be an adult, god-dammit.

And now on with the show.

Tonight’s libation procuration finds us at South Park Tavern for pizza and beer. Upsides include: lots of beer, pizza, and even some live music via the South Park Rock ’n’ Roll Playdate. Downsides include: that dude with the ukulele who really really really felt he was far more clever than he actually was, and belonged on some really really really bad children’s show. And I’m not talking Pee Wee’s Playhouse bad. I’m talking choosing-the-lobotomy-over-continuing-watching bad (um, that would be die, by the way). I want to piss on your grave, dude. Our choice for drowning the wailing lamentations of ukulele-boy was Fort Collins Rocky Mountain IPA, which did help. Not nearly enough, but it did help. We’ve also tried Kidd Black Lager from Fort Collins.

Rocky Mountain IPA pours a gentle copper with an eggshell/ivory head; the nose is biscuit and cracker with a grainy malty presence accompanied by herbal and grassy hop aromas. Flavors open with caramel malt and graininess, followed by a fruity bitterness in the middle that also carried an herbal hop tang and flavor. The finish left a lingering bitterness and also featured a return of the biscuit malt of the front. Rocky Mountain IPA has medium carbonation and a good amount of dryness on the palate to accompany the medium body—it feels like a combination of biscuit malt and hops, and is quite pleasant. Overall, if push came to shove, we’d call it more English that American, but then again, the trials and tribulations of a keg traveling to Dayton has to experience many hardships, I am certain. We did have several

From the Fort Collins website: “Balanced to Perfection: An IPA by definition is liberally hopped and higher in alcohol. We made Rocky Mountain IPA by dry hopping for an intense floral aroma and adding a generous helping of malt to create a backbone stable enough to support the characteristic bitterness of the beer.”

ABV: 6.4%
IBU: 80


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