It’s been a while since a Stoudt’s came across our radar—December 2009 was the last new beer from Stoudt’s, although we did try a 2004 Fat Dog Imperial Oatmeal this last December. We scored a growler of this from the Trolley Stop because they didn’t have any of the Hazed & Infused that they are supposedly running as a special all month. Big supposedly. Our run down of Stoudt’s includes Fat Dog Imperial Oatmeal Stout, Oktoberfest, American Pale Ale, Scarlet Lady ESB, and Heifer-in-Wheat, making this our sixth Stoudt’s beer. Say that six times fast.
Stoudt’s Pilsner pours a crystal clear light straw with an abundant and long-lasting white head that also decently laces the glass as I worked through the beer. The nose is a mixture of graininess and sweetness, although balanced mostly towards the graininess, along with a light hint of corn. There is no discernable hop aroma or bitterness in the nose, but the finish more than makes up for it. The beer starts out with a soft, fragile sweetness that is coupled with a fair dose of graininess—it is almost husky, but not quite astringent. The graininess carries into the middle before giving way to hop bitterness, which lingers well past the finish. Stoudt’s Pilsner has a bright crispness in the finish, a combination of the lagering and carbonation. There is a bit of a hoppy metallic sharpness left on the palate after the flavors depart, but this strikes me as more from the volume of hops than anything else. The body is medium; the residual dextrins contribute to a pleasant mouthfeel that helps balance the bitterness, although the beer is still shaded towards both bitterness and graininess. A good example of an American pilsner, although the graininess does seem a bit overly pronounced; we do both prefer the Victory Prima Pils, but this one is certainly worth trying.
From the Stoudt’s website: “Reflective of the traditional German style, Stoudt’s Pils is delicately dry with firm bitterness. The crispness of Saaz hops and a dry malt finish make the Pilsner an excellent aperitif.”
ABV: 4.7%
IBU: 40
Malts: 2-row & Wheat
Bittering Hops: Perle & Warrior
Aroma Hops: Saaz
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