Round two of the fresh hop madness. These hops were the lovely gift of my neighbors, the Smiths—you all remember them from last year, correct?—who again weren’t going to use them. Insanity! But their loss is my fresh hop gain! I was told that these are all Cascade, but I do like the name Smith Hop so much better. I also left enough on the vine that I can go pick an ounce or so for dry-wet hopping in the secondary. Is that even a term? It is now!
155. Smith Hop Fresh Hop
5 lbs. Rahr Pale
3 lbs. Dingemanns Pale
1 lb. MFB Vienna
1 lb. Breiss White Wheat
Mash @ 151° F for 60 minutes w/ 3 ½ gallons RO water & 4 g. gypsum; collected 2 ¼ gallons @ 1.080
Batch sparge @ 169° F for 20 minutes w/ 4 gallons RO water & 2 g. gypsum; collected 4 gallons @ 1.024
Collected 6 ¼ gallons; topped off to 7 gallons, brought to a boil (60 minutes), & added:
w/60 to go: 2 oz. Sonnet Golding leaf 4.1% AA
w/20 to go: 3 oz. fresh Smith hops
w/10 to go: 3 oz. fresh Smith hops
w/5 to go: 3 oz. fresh Smith hops
w/0 to go: 3 ¼ oz. fresh Smith hops
Let stand for 20 minutes, chilled, & pitched mason jar of WLP510 Bastogne
Primary: 8/14/2013 @ 64° F
Secondary: 8/28/2013 @ 1.010; 8/31/2013 dry hopped w/ 4 oz. fresh Smith hops
Bottled: 9/7/2013 w 3.0 oz. table sugar
OG: 1.050
FG: 1.008
Tasting Notes (10/2/2013): Smith Hop pours a hazy dull gold with a white head that offers decent retention and some lacing. In the nose, there is apple, pear, grape, and candy, along with a spicy, grassy hop bitterness that carries faint hints of both lemon and lemon zest. As it warms, there is more of the earthiness and gaminess I associate with fresh hops beers. Flavors open with soft bread crust and
Belgian candy, sliding into lemon, pear, grape, and spicy grassiness from the hops.
There is some bitterness in the middle, although restrained, giving way to bread
and spiciness in the lead up to the bite of the carbonation, followed by a
gentle lingering spicy bitterness that ends with the vegetal chlorophyll
gaminess I expect in a fresh hop beer. The body is medium light with hints of
gumminess, while the carbonation is bright and cleansing. The hop presence
doesn’t come across as distinctly Cascade—it is more delicate and nuanced than
over-the-top, and the grape aroma and flavor is an odd yet addition . It is, however, very reminiscent of the fresh hop beer I madewith Smith Cascades last year, which leads me to conclude that as a fresh hop,
Cascade provides more subtlety than I would be normally expected. The Bastogne
yeast is a moderate match to the beer—I’m guessing the apple and pear is a
yeast ester contribution, at least in part—it is noticeable but not intrusive
in relation to the hops. As well, these particular Cascades offer more flavor
and presence than the Cascades from the first Fresh Hop w/ Cascade of the
season, although could also be influenced by the more expressive yeast strain
used in that particular beer, the one Elli referred to as my “novelty yeast”
for a fresh hop beer. Still, I’ve been rapidly working my way through both of
these beers; I’m looking forward to comparing them with the Fresh Hop w/Brewer’s Gold I made that features a more traditionally neutral yeast (Wyeast
This beer was the Fresh Hop King of Ohio 2013 winner.
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