Our second beer from McTarnahan’s; our last one was Grifter IPA, and the inspiration for our Vagabond-themed Beer Contest, which no one has yet bothered to enter. Go figure. Blogging really is like typing something up and then throwing it right into the trash can, isn’t it? Thanks, Robert Frost.
Lip Stinger is a Farmhouse Ale brewed with Peppercorns; it pours a hazy gold with a thin creamy head that leaves some slight lacing on the glass. The nose has a slightly Belgian sour aroma that is also slightly musty with some estery accents. There is also some candy sweetness mixes with some breadiness—most of this is very light and gentle, but it creates an interesting and enjoyable nose. The front is marked by a soft candy front with some spiciness (mainly coriander) and herbal notes; the middle moves into citrus flavors and some light bitterness before finishing dry with some tartness and peppery spiciness. Citrus does run across the entire flavor profile. Lip Stinger has a light body with bright, lively carbonation that bites in the middle to draw out some creamy citrus flavors; it is also dry from being well-attenuated. Overall, Elli calls this one of the more drinkable saisons we’ve come across—she’d drink it of her own choosing. It’s not the most complex, but is very enjoyable and drinkable, with solid, interesting flavors.
From the McTarnahan’s website: “Lip Stinger is an effervescent and rustic farmhouse ale. This limited release ale is fermented with cracked peppercorn to introduce a spicy nose and warming mouth feel that will deliver a flavor sensation that is endlessly interesting. Enjoy the heat….and no pouting!!”
ABV: 4.8%
IBU: 32
Malt: 2 Row, Pilsen, & Wheat
Hops: Saaz & Mt. Hood
Spice: Malaysian and Indian 4 pepper blend
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