Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dayton DRAFT Brewfest Judging 2012

Ah, Brewfest. That time of year when I get to lay claim to the second bottle of every one of Jule Rastikis’ beers that didn’t make it to the BOS. And believe me, since the perks of being Cellar Master are few and far between, I make use of my marginal powers every time I can. Thus, all four of Jule’s beers are now safely tucked in my refrigerator at home. Don’t worry—you’ll be hearing about them sometime soon.

Bacon Cheesecake courtesy of Scott Young

This year’s event had a bit smaller of a turnout than in previous years: we ended up with 168 entries in total, broken into 15 flights. As noted, I foolishly agreed to be the Cellar Master again, but the sweet siren call of Rastikis made it impossible to say no. Everything went smoothly, and—shockinginglyest of all—we actually started on time at 9:00 am. We also might have even finished a little bit early. It was almost like we knew what we were doing. Then again, let’s not get too crazy. I was pleased to see that my Scottish 80 Schilling—the Edinburgh version from the 80 Shilling Yeast Experiment—did as well as it did in the overall judging. I’d also like to pillory Ashley for not knowing what a Belgian Quad is, but we all know the parable regarding the beating of a dead horse, and, well, that horse is dead. Even if Ashley was the one who killed it. Oh, and the overall results are listed here.

Thanks to all of the out of town judges who made the time to come to Dayton and help us out. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I’ll be happy to return the favor. Thus, I know where I’ll be on October 20th. That’s right—enjoying the rotating restaurant in the Covington Radisson. Slow revolutions are the best revolutions.


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