Thursday, December 27, 2012

Alan McLeod’s 2012 Yuletide Photo Contest

While we weren’t one of the winners, we were quite pleased that this picture made the shortlist for Alan McLeod’s 2012 Yuletide Photo contest. I almost said secretly, but since we are blogging about it, it is not so much of a secret anymore, is it? Well, unless you actually consider our readership, and then realize that this post is undoubtedly the best kept public secret ever. This year’s winners are listed here, and the grand prize winner for 2012 is here, along with a run-down of previous winners. And if you are wondering why you’ve never seen this picture before, that’s because we didn’t bother to take notes while drinking this particular beer. Hence, no blog post. It happens more often than you might think. So take that. I know you can deal. As well, I would like to send a thank you shout-out to Jeff Fortney for bringing this beer over one evening. And I’m glad to finally have a reason to post this picture—the warm, luminescent light coming through the beer and onto the bottle and down the stem of the glass is spectacular.


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