Friday, March 6, 2015

Post-Barrel Lambic Brewday

While I have brewed almost all of the beer I need for the barrel, I still need more lambic to finish off an earlier project; this batch will be the third version I’ll use to blend a gueuze; once it has had about a year, I’ll be experimenting with blending along with 168. Lambic from 1/29/2014 and the three gallons of 134. Lambic from 11/23/2012. Eyes on the prize, my man. 

201. Post-Barrel Lambic Brewday
8 lbs. Best Malz Pilsen
4 lbs. Best Malz Wheat

Mash @ 150° F for 80 minutes w/ 4 gallons RO water, 8 g. gypsum, & 3 g. CaCl; collected 2 ½ gallons @ 1.076
Batch Sparge @ 167° F for 20 minutes w/ 4 gallons RO water; collected 4 ¼ gallons @ 1.026

Topped off to 7 gallons; brought to a boil (70 minutes), & added:

w/60 to go: 1 oz. Choice debittered hops

w/10 to go: 5 g. Wyeast yeast nutrient

Chilled & racked onto ECY Bug County yeast cake from 197. Barrel Project Lambic

Brewed: 3/6/2015

OG: 1.056

Tasting Notes:

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