Three Frogs IPA was light copper and clear with a creamy white head. The nose was a mixture of malt and hops, with grassy and earthy hop aromas coming to the forefront. The initial taste brought with it a dry, crackery malt body that had very little sweetness. The middle had a big hop bitterness—the grassy/hay and earthy flavors were easy to pick out; subsequent tasting revealed light citrus and grapefruit

From the Elevator website: “A bigger cousin of the English Pale, India Pale Ales were originally brewed with extra alcohol and lots of hops, both of which served to preserve the beer on the long voyage from England to the colony. Dry hopped with a distinct floral essence.”
Oh, and Seattle won 1-0 on a goal from Roger Levesque with a shutout by Kasey Keller, breaking Columbus’s 22 game home winning streak. Hooray for the good guys.
Before heading to Columbus for the game, I also attended my third BJCP class. Our discussion focused on the role of water in brewing, specifically in regards to primary water characteristics (mineral profile, pH, hardness, and alkalinity) and secondary water characteristics (trace elements, chlorination, oxygen content, cleanliness, and temperature), and how these characteristics affect the brewing process at different stages, as well as how to control these water characteristics while brewing. And of course, we also discussed the influence of water on the development of world beer styles, most particularly in relation to question S6. from the BJCP study guide: Identify, describe, and give at least one classic commercial example as listed in the BJCP Style Guidelines of a major beer style commonly associated with the following three classic brewing centers; you are expected to know the twelve different cities they might use for the question, including Bamburg, Berlin, Burton-on-Trent, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Einbeck, Köln, Newcastle, San Francisco, Senne Valley, and Vienna. See, I told you—not so easy.
Today’s sampled beers included pale ales and bitters:
8A. Ordinary Bitter: Boddington’s
8B. Special Bitter: Goose Island Honker’s Ale
8C. Extra Special Bitter: Fuller’s ESB
10A. American Pale Ale: Stone Pale Ale
14A. English IPA: Brooklyn East India Pale Ale
14B. American IPA: Two Hearted Ale
14C. Imperial IPA: Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
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