Our second beer from
French Broad; our last one was the one that started us off, their
13 Rebels is a cloudy orange with a minimal ivory head and small, tight bubbles. The nose is a bready malt with light fruity notes. It starts sweet with some fruitiness from the yeast and some low levels of graininess as well, and moves into a toasted malt middle, ending with bitterness that lingers and lightly curls the tongue. 13 Rebels has a light thin body; the mouthfeel is watery and soft with very little carbonation bite, although there is some bite and dryness in the mouth from the hops at the end. Definitely a

smooth, easy-drinking beer—we would love to try this on tap, as it would probably be even better. And the label is straight up awesome—easily a Top 10 Best Label contestant.
From the bottle: “13 Rebels ESB is an America interpretation of Britain’s Extra Special Bitter.”
From the
French Broad website: “French Broad Brewery's interpretation of the classic UK Extra Special Bitter. A bright copper color with a complex malt palate is complemented by traditional British hops, notably East Kent Golding. French Broad has made this classic public house session beer a cult classic with its skull and crossbones artwork.”
ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 42
OG: 13° P
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