India Pelican Ale starts with a toasty malt and citrus hop nose. It has an amber color, and rich

(note Elli grating cheese for dinner in background)
From the Pelican website: “Our mascot, Phil the Pelican, got this recipe from his long-lost Indian cousin, and has recreated the flavor of the British Empire with his own American twist. Enjoy the huge Cascade hop aroma, the subtle malty sweetness, and the spicy, citrusy flavor of this robust, gold colored ale. This brew began life as a seasonal beer during our first year and was so popular while we had it, and so frequently requested when it was gone, that we turned it into our fifth regular beer style the second year.”

Pale Ale Malt
Caramel Malt
Cascade Malt
Magnum Hops
Centennial Hops
ABV: 7.5%
SRM: 15
IBU: 85
OG: 17° P
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